On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 09/12/2014 02:15 PM, Christian Franke wrote:
>>>>    unsetenv("PATH");
>>> This is undefined behavior, per POSIX.  POSIX recommends that you always
>>> leave PATH defined to at least a bare minimum of the results of
>>> confstr(_CS_PATH, ...); it also states that implementations are free to
>>> do what they want (in this case, crash) if you don't follow the
>>> recommendation:
>>> http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap08.html
>>> "If PATH is unset or is set to null, the path search is
>>> implementation-defined."
>> There is no POSIX PATH search needed in my testcase:
>>   execl("/usr/sbin/alternatives", ...)
> PATH may not be needed for execl() to find the binary it will be
> executing, but it IS required to be set in the environment to the bare
> minimum of confstr(_CS_PATH) for that binary to have a chance of
> executing in a well-defined setup.


I think your interpretation is wrong. The line you quote from POSIX
refers to a "path search" but there is no path search happening here.
The concept of path search is implicitly defined by the first line in
your citation:

"PATH: This variable shall represent the sequence of path prefixes
that certain functions and utilities apply in searching for an
executable file known only by a filename."

Notice the way this sentence ends. The argument to execl() is a full
path, not "only a filename", thus no PATH search is involved. I agree
that unsetting PATH is not ideal practice but I think it's perfectly
well defined by POSIX.


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