Right, that makes sense. There is indeed no way for the package
manager to handle that scenario without external help, such as a PATH
variable that includes the various directories these extra DLLs reside



2014-10-10 13:22 GMT+02:00  <tedno...@bellsouth.net>:
> In message 
> <CAMCbSMrar1Zu4p6gN=gc8-xqe-8rutmp3er0ujen--chkzc...@mail.gmail.com>
> you write:
>>This might the way the pkgIndex.tcl file for this particular extension
>>has been implemented, but like Jan says, that is not the Tcl way.
>>Here is a sample that illustrates the more acceptable procedure:
>># Tcl package index file, version 1.0
>>if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]} {return}
>>package ifneeded itcl 4.0b7 [list load [file join $dir "itcl40b7.dll"] itcl]
>>package ifneeded Itcl 4.0b7 [list load [file join $dir "itcl40b7.dll"] itcl]
>>The variable "dir" is set by the package management subsystem and the
>>effect is that the _full_ path is constructed before the DLL is
>>actually loaded.
>>2014-10-10 13:24 GMT+02:00 Jan Nijtmans <jan.nijtm...@gmail.com>:
>>> 2014-10-10 12:34 GMT+02:00 Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com>:
>>>> On Oct  9 11:46, tedno...@bellsouth.net wrote:
>>>>> I'm pretty sure I've got some programs loading Tcl extensions that
>>>>> cd into the directory with the extension dlls, load the extension and then
>>>>> change back to where ever they were.
>>>> Hmm.  If so, it's quite a weird way to handle this, rather than
>>>> loading the modules with full path.
>>>> Is that a Tcl "feature", or is it how certain Tcl apps are implemented?
>>>> I can't really believe the former...
>>> This is certainly not a Tcl "feature"!  The standard Tcl extension
>>> mechanism always uses the full path simply because Tcl
>>> cannot depend on platform-specific ways to search for
>>> such libraries elsewhere.
>>> I'm willing to test this;I don't believe such a change
>>> will break anything in my Tcl environment.
>>> Regards,
>>>        Jan Nijtmans
> Hmm,
> It's been a while, but I think it is something like the extension is
> a DLL, but it depends on another DLL.  Consider for instance, mysqltcl.
> If you want to deploy that, you need the mysqltcl.dll and the mysql dll,
> so you either have to be in the same dir when you load the extension,
> or put that dir in PATH.
> Unfortunately, I can't run a test release on my work machine, or take
> my work progs home.
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