> On 09/10/2014 18:26, Andrey Repin wrote:
> > Greetings, Andrew Schulman!
> >
> >> Bad news: the PATH problem is back.  When I run
> >> C:\cygwin64\bin\fish.exe -l
> >> I get the same error messages as before on startup, and PATH doesn't
> >> include /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin.
> >> How are /bin /usr/bin etc. normally added to the PATH?  I don't see any
> >> logic to do it in /usr/share/fish/config.fish.
> > That logic probably should be included.
> > At least, bash does that in login files.
> >
> That was my conclusion as well*. Question is, should fish provide the 
> configuration, or should base-files cover all shells?
> Andrew: thanks for confirming. If you're still looking for the logic and 
> where to put it, I suggested something in * as well.

OK, I rolled a new release of fish 2.1.1:



It adds the following improvements in /etc/fish/config.fish:

* Prepends /usr/local/bin /bin to PATH.  This solves the PATH errors for me.

* Changes to the home directory in login shells.

* sources all scripts /etc/profile.d/*.fish.  So far I think there are few or 
none of
those, but once fish supports them, some will start to appear, especially if we 
get cygport to start creating them.

I think that's the best answer to your question about base-files.  I looked in
/etc/profile to see if it might be made to support fish too, but I don't think 
It's too sh-centric.  fish's syntax is too different.  So if fish supports
/etc/profile.d on its own, then we can just leave it at that.

Please try it out, and let me know how it works for you.  If it's okay and if 
doesn't answer, then I'll adopt the package and put out the new release.  I've
switched to using fish as my default shell now, so I want to see it maintained.


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