On 10/10/2014 22:27, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> Please try the updated fish 2.1.1 package I just posted, and see if it fixes 
> those
> problems for you.  Exit all running fish shells, then run:
> wget http://home.comcast.net/~andrex2/cygwin/$(arch)/fish-2.1.1-1.tar.xz
> tar -Jx -C/ -f fish-2.1.1-1.tar.xz
> Then try starting fish as a login shell.

Yeah, it's great that you've packaged a new version. I'm just curious
with `fish` behavior, so that I install it on my cygwin.

I'd rather stay with standardized `bash` and `zsh` for my shells instead
of experiment with the nonstandard `fish` shell.

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