On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:35 PM, Spinfusion <joseph.buchign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To set up rsync over SSH, to sync my org-mode GTD files, activated every
> time my laptop or pc goes idle, as described by Gina Trapani.

If you’re referring to the following article, it was written about a month 
before Dropbox went live.


Since then, Google, Apple, Microsoft and others have jumped onto the free cloud 
storage bandwagon.  All of those services address every one of the advantages 
Gina gives for her solution, except open source, and for that, you’ve got the 
likes of tarsnap:


Why are you reinventing these perfectly good wheels, poorly?

Yes, poorly.  rsync requires a pretty heavy network transaction to figure out 
if files have changed.  These other services monitor local files and initiate 
the delta transfer only when they see a local change.  That cost is best paid 
as rarely as possible; “on every idle” is too often.

Anyway, how is futzing around with DIY backup schemes Getting Things Done? :)

> ssh error: connection timed out

The remote machine either:

a) isn’t running ssh; verify with “netstat -na | grep 22.*LISTEN"

b) is running it, but it’s firewalled; just because you think the firewall is 
down doesn’t mean it is; there could be two or more firewalls, for example

c) it’s on another port; check the /etc/sshd_config file, unless you know for a 
fact that you never touched it

Failing all that, what does ssh -vvv say?

> I don't know what I'm doing and would appreciate some guidance.

Did you set Cygwin sshd up using ssh-host-config?  That should be all the 
guidance you require.  Maybe run it again and pay more attention to the things 
it tells you this time? :)

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