On Jul 6, 2015, at 1:03 PM, Joseph B <joseph.buchign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> LAN Adapter
> IP: (static)
> Subnet Mask:
> no DNS server
> Wifi Adapter
> (dynamic)
> gateway:

Mask means the first three octets are the network number, and the 
last is the station number.  Thus, your two machines are on *completely 
different networks*, at a logical level.  Your OS is sending the packets from 
one to your home router, and your router doubtless has no idea that it is 
supposed to be routing between two different 192.168 networks.

Solution: Put the static machine on 192.168.254.x.

Look at your DHCP server’s configuration to find a safe value for x.

And since you said you have no idea what you’re doing, I will tell you that 
your LAN’s DHCP server is almost certainly a feature on your home router.  DHCP 
configuration is different for every router.
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