On 2016-10-14 00:52, Peter Rosin wrote:
> On 2016-10-13 16:35, Bill Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to run my Windows C++ application which has a call to 
>> DebugBreak() to bring up the popup asking if you want to debug this 
>> application or terminate it.  If I run the program within Cygwin, the 
>> program just exits. 
>> If I run the application from a Windows command prompt, I get the Windows 
>> popup that I'm expecting.  It seems that the Cygwin shell is eating 
>> exceptions (sigsegv or similar signals?).  Is there a way for me to disable 
>> this behavior?  
> I believe you want the reverse of this program:
> https://github.com/msysgit/msys/blob/master/winsup/utils/error-mode.c
> error-mode can make the popups go away (getting cygwin behavior
> on msys), but it should be possible to modify it to make the
> popup appear instead. I think...

feeep, should have read my old code before I posted. The program
should fit the bill. My memory is apparently bad but short.

Sorry for the noise.


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