
I'm installing Cygwin x64 to a new laptop. It's been a while since I've
installed Cygwin, but I've looked at the documentation and FAQs and I can't
figure out what I'm doing wrong. Nothing obvious showed up when I searched
"start menu" in the list.

As I said, this is a fresh install, and I've loaded the standard software
along with the xorg-common, xinit, xorg-fonts packages. Having done all
this I can't seem to find the Cygwin-X start menu folder, and I'm not sure
where these icon lives now (Xwin Server and the XDG start script) Do I have
to make this icon manually? Has something changed?

I frequently set up new laptops for students and others who are just
learning X, so it would be helpful to know exactly what package I need to


Nicholas Fitzkee

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