>>>>> Jon Turney <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk>:

> This seems like a problem with the integrated WM not doing what is
> expected, Java programs do seem to be problematic in this regard.  So,
> you can probably work around this by running the Cygwin X server in
> windowed, rather than multiwindow mode.

I've thought about trying it but it's not really the behaviour I want.

> I tried to reproduce this, but eclipse worked ok for me.

> Can you tell me the versions of Xwin, debian and eclipse you are using?

"uname -r" in cygwin reports:

sb@mccoy:~$ cygcheck -c | grep xorg
xorg-server               1.19.6-1                OK
xorg-server-common        1.19.6-1                OK
xorg-x11-fonts-dpi75      7.5-3                   OK
xorg-x11-fonts-misc       7.5-3                   OK

The debian version is 9.3.

The eclipse version is eclipse oxygen, installed with the eclipse
installer from

I got the same squashed up window from eclipse-neon installed in the
same way.

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