Am 13.04.2020 um 09:58 schrieb Pavel Fedin:
Hi! On 10.04.2020 19:21, Thomas Wolff wrote:
If your desktop Windows version is a bit older, it may not yet support
the ConPTY API, so cygwin will silently drop its own conpty support.
You might compare the build numbers (cmd /c ver, or winver).

   Just checked. Both systems report:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.720]

Hi pavel,

what is the setting of CYGWIN variable ?
   It's empty.

I suggest you to run

"cygcheck -svr > cygcheck.out" and compare the output files
   "Segmentation fault" on both systems.

that is really NOT normal


No idea what is "Docker Desktop"
Docker ported to Windows using a virtual machine:
but I suggest you to verify that you are really running mintty with
the same invocation in the two cases.
   How to do that (other than above) ? I am really running it from "Start
menu" using "Cygwin" icon, that's it.

   Sorry Marco, was unable to answer you directly because for some reason
i haven't got the message. Neither privately nor via the ML.

sometimes the mail servers do strange things..

   Kind regards.

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