On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 07:10:51AM +0200, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
> Am 16.04.2020 um 22:21 schrieb Fergus Daly via Cygwin:
> > I've been reading/writing to this list since 2001 or maybe earlier and have 
> > only just Subscribe'd. Mainly because I have been aware when contributing 
> > to a thread I have always broken it by not using Follow-up properly, just 
> > artificially including the title prefix Re: in what is essentially a new 
> > post. Having Subscribe'd, I'm no clearer how to do this properly.
> > 1. Please can somebody point me to an instruction?
> usually it is just reply to the list on your mail program.

And edit the subject line as well.  There is a mail header "In-Reply-To"
that should be blanked as well to avoid misleading any mechanism that
makes use of it.

I remember having had the same confusion the first few times I initiated

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