On 2020-07-20 11:58, ASSI wrote:
> Brian Inglis writes:
>> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
>> * curl               7.71.1

> Curl has dropped the dependency to libmetalink with this release, which
> probably is a consequence of the newer SSL (the upstream Changelog is not
> very clear there). This was the only consumer of that library so maybe
> it should be made obsolete going forward?

It may be used in wget, as that supports metalink, and is used by wget2, so
maybe I should pick up libmetalink if nothing else uses it?

Could someone perhaps check on the package build server with cygcheck or ldd for
any dependencies on cygmetalink-3.dll?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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