On 10.08.2020 20:16, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2020-07-20 11:58, ASSI wrote:
Brian Inglis writes:
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
* curl          7.71.1

Curl has dropped the dependency to libmetalink with this release, which
probably is a consequence of the newer SSL (the upstream Changelog is not
very clear there). This was the only consumer of that library so maybe
it should be made obsolete going forward?

It may be used in wget, as that supports metalink, and is used by wget2, so
maybe I should pick up libmetalink if nothing else uses it?

Could someone perhaps check on the package build server with cygcheck or ldd for
any dependencies on cygmetalink-3.dll?

setup.ini reports only previous versions of curl depending from libmetalink3

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