On 11/24/20 9:32 AM, sten.kristian.ivars...@gmail.com wrote:

That's not what Cygwin is for, you ignore everything while conveniently
claiming to be looking for "insightful thoughts". You still haven't
answered where is it in the POSIX standard requires backslashes to be used
as separator or how are you going to make other *nix platforms accept such
a change?

Did I get a question about where I think that POSIX requires backslashes or did 
I make such claim ? If one of them, I have missed that question and I have 
certainly not made any such claim

All I'm saying is that I'd like std::filesystem in Cygwin to work properly and 
I still cannot see why that cannot happen ?

What would the drawbacks be if std::filesystem worked more transparent (i.e. 
correct) and made Cygwin more useful ? I don't think the community would shrink 

There's that proverbial wider audience nonsense. "Sure is nice if Cygwin emulates NTVDM too, I don't the community would shrink!"

You wanted to make std::filesystem accept backslashes as separators, this is NOT POSIX compliant, it is contrary to the goal of Cygwin. std::filesystem POSIX mode is common to all POSIX platforms where backslashes are NOT directory separators. How do you make them accept your demands? How are you going to force POSIX platforms allow Windows specific code? Make it try to enter subdirectories every time std::filesystem is called?

You refuse to understand that Cygwin is NOT Windows, it is a POSIX platform. Using Cygwin means complying with POSIX expectations and standards.

I don't see how this conversation can continue if you still refuse to see Cygwin as something separate from Windows. Besides, you have already answered your question by ruling out MinGW, so Microsoft Visual Studio it is.

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