On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 12:36:12PM +0200, Valerio Messina wrote:
>On 8/11/21 1:26 PM, Russell VT via Cygwin wrote:
>>Can one of you powerful folks, please, fix the signup approvals and make it
>>a bit more difficult to signup and account that is "allowed" to post on
>>this list?
>as now the subscribe procedure is a simple:
>0) open the web page: https://cygwin.com/mailman/listinfo/cygwin/
>1) fill form with name, email and pass
>2) press the Subscribe button
>3) receive a confirmation mail
>4) follow the link in the mail
>5) press the subscribe button in the new web page
>all steps are easily script-able with 'curl'
>So in my opinion first thing to do is to add a CAPTCHA [1] in the step 1

You can post to this list without subscribing so this wouldn't
accomplish anything besides annoying people who want to subscribe.

>I tried to contact the list admin sent from IP:
>that is <n...@redhat.com> asking for removal of spammers once we
>received every spam, but spamming continue.

That email address has nothing (or at least very little) to do with
cygwin.com / sourceware.org.  The right address is "postmaster", which
is monitored by me.  That said, I sure do not want to hear from
"helpful" people pointing out spam.  I monitor multiple lists for spam,
block offending parties, and generate rules for spamassassin to stop
similar messages from coming through.  I see a lot more spam than anyone
here and there's no reason to have someone add to the load by pointlesly
showing me more.

>I also noted a big increase in spam directed to my email, once I made
>a post to the list. This is probably related to the fact the list
>archive is freely available to web spiders at:
>with email sender visible as first line once you open an mail.
>So second action to do is report the 'name' of sender but not the
>email in those pages, or at least blacken the domain part @domain.tld

We used to munge email addresses in a previous version of the mailing
list but it was decided to stop doing so a couple of years ago when we
moved to a new server / new mailing list software.

The bottom line is that we're all volunteers here.  It's unlikely that
anyone is going to offer up more of their time to customize the
tried-and-true mailing list software used by sourceware.org / cygwin.com /

If the small amount of spam seen here bothers you then please don't
contribute to it by publicly remarking on it.  Unsubscribing is the
best way to not see any more spam from the cygwin mailing list.

Problem reports:      https://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:                  https://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation:        https://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:     https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

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