Hi Achim,

Achim Gratz wrote:
Achim Gratz writes:
The Cygwin gcc is configured to use -mtune=generic,

…and -march=x86_64 on 64bit and -march=i686 on 32bit.

While I'd love to switch to x86_64-v2, that would cut off a few
processors that Win7 can be installed on.

Thanks for the tips.  Will do.

What I've figured out is that it's not the cygstart code itself that's been mis-compiled, it's apparently code pulled in from libcygwin.a as cygstart.exe is being built (on my machine before packaging).

I do have different gcc/g++ options for building local cygwin1.dll and libcygwin.a: "-O2 -march=native -mtune=native". The offending AVX instructions are located in _cygwin_crt0_common(). I also see a couple hundred other cases of AVX instructions within locally-built cygwin1.dll but those aren't important for resolving this issue.

Sorry to any users who have or will run into this before it's fixed. If you're on a machine that supports AVX instructions you'll be OK. Otherwise, downgrading your cygutils packages to 1.4.16-2 will avoid the problem.


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