On 10/1/2021 12:51 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
   "Error: (file-missing "Searching for program" "No such file or director" 

Still shows up at work, when I use "emacs -Q".  I'll see if I can try
to figure out what's going on.

I wiped out all my elisp files but still got the error.  I assume this
is what "-Q" is supposed to do.

-Q ignores your init file as well as the site-wide init file (if there is one) as well as X resources. Wiping out your elisp files doesn't necessarily do all that.

Installing "git" from the Cygwin repository seems to fix this problem.
   So I suggest uninstalling "git" and see if you can figure out where
the message is actually coming from.  It doesn't appear to be coming
from anything in my environment.  I must have "git" installed at home,
which is why I don't see the message there.

I already tried moving my git executable out of the way, and I couldn't reproduce the problem. Do you see the message at home if you do the same?


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