Hi again,

Am Di., 19. Okt. 2021 um 16:15 Uhr schrieb Friedrich Romstedt
> Okay, I'll try:
> -   To downgrade harfbuzz and/or freetype2 if the Cygwin package
> database allows to do so;
> -   Remove the resp. devel packages and try to rebuild Pillow without them.

I did both; it didn't solve the problem either.  My findings of today
in the matter are accessible via
Maybe my notes help in finding a clue about what is going wrong.

The most significant conclusion I can make is that it seems the
problem is *not* freetype2 or harfbuzz related, because the error
persists also when building Pillow *without* the freetype2 and
harfbuzz devel packages (see
Unfortunately, I cannot really verify that Pillow detects freetype2
and harfbuzz as *missing* (from the existing logs).

Maybe I should consult Pillow Upstream?


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