Hi Russell,

Am Do., 21. Okt. 2021 um 12:27 Uhr schrieb Russell VT <russel...@gmail.com>:
> I'll just throw out the obvious "is it plugged in" type question... but,
> are we to assume you have a fully functional X Server and Client working on 
> your Cygwin install?

Yes, definitely.  I can do:

$ python
>>> import tkinter
>>> tk = tkinter.Tk()
>>> tk.mainloop()

and it properly produces an empty Tk window.

> Any particular desktop/window manager? Have you tried others? Did you compile 
> it yourself, or did you install the package directly from the distro?

None, just vanilla Windows 10 Pro (64-bit).

> Sorry, sometimes the "oops" questions can help...

Yes, sometimes it can.

> and, it helps those interested in reproducing it. (but, I will confess I 
> didn't actually go READ the bug - which, admittedly, is another "is it 
> plugged in" type query... LOL)

Maybe it is.


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