Am 27.10.2021 um 10:49 schrieb Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin:
On Oct 27 09:24, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 22:55:01 +0200
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
We're also planning to drop Support for the 32 bit release of Cygwin in
2022, thus Cygwin 3.4.0 won't come in 32 bit anymore, and the package
maintainers won't have to update 32 bit packages anymore.  If you're
still running Cygwin under WOW64, consider to move to 64 bit in the next
couple of months.
I agree with you that 32 bit cygwin under WOW64 is not worth to
support any more. However, 32 bit version of Windows 10 will be
still supported at least until Oct. 2025. Personally, I think it
would not be nice to exclude the supported windows version from
cygwin support.
Well, it's not much effort to support WOW64 if we support 32 bit anyway.
The problem is that Cygwin is somehow outgrowing 32 bit systems in terms
of the available memory.  Also, 32 bit Cygwin is still using a 32 bit

Per the download statistics, as far as those statistics are trustable,
32 bit systems are less than 5% of the installed base, with the majority
of them being WOW64 installations.  Those can move over to 64 bit Cygwin

Less than 1% are real 32 bit systems.
I think roughly 1% is still a community to consider. Working old machines shouldn't be trashed just because they are missing a few bits :)

Dropping 32 bit support will reduce code complexity in Cygwin and it will
reduce the workload of the package maintainers.
Code complexity was also an argument when dropping XP support, but there was quite some discussion at its time. For `egrep "# *if.*(32|64)"` I'm counting roughly 160 matches in winsup, but only in a few files. Is it really necessary?

Those few still running
Cygwin on a real 32 bit system will still have a chance to run Cygwin
by utilizing Peter's time machine.

Peter's time machine is a very appreciable effort. It's a bit fiddly though to figure out 
how to use it, particularly to identify the "latest XP version". Maybe some 
explicit howto could be published on the cygwin pages?


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