On 1/12/2022 5:41 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jan 11 16:08, Ken Brown wrote:
I don't have time to check this carefully, but it looks to me like the
problem is that process_spawnattr calls setegid and seteuid instead of
setegid32 and seteuid32.  This causes truncation of the gid and uid.

You're right.  Additionally the calls to getgid and getuid have to use
the internal getgid32 and getuid32 functions.

I'll be glad when this 32-bit cruft can be removed. It is *very* confusing to read the code and see a function called getuid that is really only used by old applications, except when it's accidentally used internally. I introduced a 32-bit-only bug a couple years ago because of a similar confusion between fstat and fstat64.


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