On 1/13/2022 5:56 AM, Takashi Yano wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:
2. You can use the ReturnLength parameter of NtQueryInformationProcess to see
how big a buffer is needed.  This might be more efficient than repeatedly
doubling the buffer size.

Even if ReturnLength is used, the first NtQueryInformationProcess()
call and the second NtQueryInformationProcess() call will not be
done in atomic, so retrying is still necessary. However, it may be
more efficient as you mentioned.

The similar is true also for NtQuerySystemInformation().

Do you still think it is better to use ReturnLength rather than
doubling the buffer?

I'm not sure. I only mentioned it because I saw that that's what Process Hacker did, but still in a retry loop as you said.

I suspect it doesn't make a lot of difference in practice, since we call the function once and then cache the value. Do whatever you think is best.



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