On 2022-07-17 08:15, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/17/2022 7:08 AM, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
I saw a new version of emacs-w32 28.1-2 (has 28.1-1) and gave it a try.
If has a problem with forking processes:
Doing vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Please see the release announcement:

Could you not perhaps at emacs (initial) startup add the rebase userpath eln-cache entry, and create a shell script to rebase the eln-cache entries which could be e.g. ~/.emacs.d/cygwin-rebase-eln-cache or elsewhere, and perhaps that script could also initially add the rebase userpath eln-cache entry, to make life easier for users.

You could document the manual instructions and any commands or scripts provided in /usr/share/doc/cygwin/emacs.README for reference in every release notice, as well as in issues here, rather than documenting it in and referring to release notices.

I suggest this as GNU units comes with a python script (/usr/bin/units_cur) to update currency exchange rates (requiring internet availability to access a few free data sources) if you want to use units for such operations, and instructions for various automated modes of operation documented in /usr/share/doc/cygwin/units.README, the approach decided on after discussions on the apps list.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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[Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]

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