On 7/17/2022 12:35 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2022-07-17 08:15, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/17/2022 7:08 AM, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
I saw a new version of emacs-w32 28.1-2 (has 28.1-1) and gave it a try.
If has a problem with forking processes:
Doing vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Please see the release announcement:

Could you not perhaps at emacs (initial) startup add the rebase userpath eln-cache entry,

This is not practical currently because on most Cygwin installations, administrator privileges are required to write to /var/lib/rebase/userpath.d, but the user(s) running emacs might not have those privileges. (That's true of my own installations, for example.) But maybe there's a way around that. Achim?

and create a shell script to rebase the eln-cache entries which could be e.g. ~/.emacs.d/cygwin-rebase-eln-cache or elsewhere, and perhaps that script could also initially add the rebase userpath eln-cache entry, to make life easier for users.

A script is a good idea.

You could document the manual instructions and any commands or scripts provided in /usr/share/doc/cygwin/emacs.README for reference in every release notice, as well as in issues here, rather than documenting it in and referring to release notices.

I had actually intended to document it in /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin, but I apparently forgot to do that. In the meantime, I've documented it upstream, and future emacs releases will contain that documentation in /usr/share/emacs/<version>/etc/PROBLEMS. So I can put a pointer to that documentation in release announcements and in /usr/share/doc/emacs/README.Cygwin.

BTW, this may all turn out to be moot, since I don't actually know at the moment whether any Cygwin users care about native compilation. The last paragraph of my release announcement asked for feedback from people who try the test release, and so far the only feedback has come from someone who didn't read the announcement and so didn't know how to use the test release.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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