On 11/21/22 08:03, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 at 14:19, Michel Robitaille wrote:


Running setup-x86_64.exe (version 3.3.6) requires an app on Windows 11 (fully 
up to date).
It is looking for an app that does not exist with Microsoft Store.

This was not required for any of the previous version.

Is there a solution to fix this?
For now I am using the previous version.

I'm not seeing any problems using the latest installer, and I can't
imagine why the installer would try to direct you to the Microsoft
Store for any reason, let alone for an app that doesn't exist.

Can you please provide some more information about exactly what you're
doing and exactly what behaviour you're seeing?

There's also a lot of guidance on useful information to include in
problem reports at https://cygwin.com/problems.html.

I just tried the new setup and see what I think is the same thing,
but the original description was munged by non-native English.

I believe this is the "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen" warning.  It
pops up a blue window saying

Windows protected your PC
Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk. More info.

The only button on this popup says "Don't run".  However, if you
click "More Info", which is underlined, you get additional info

App:       setup-x86_64.exe
Publisher: Unknown publisher

and another button "Run anyway", which allows setup-x86_64 to run.

Jim Garrison

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