On 12/7/2022 8:20 AM, Sylwester Rutkowski via Cygwin wrote:Hi,
The setup-x86_64.exe is reported as malicious at 

Can this be resolved somehow?

No.  It's normal and common for software like Cygwin, which has the power to be used maliciously (as opposed to, say, a Minesweeper game or something), to have false positives on VirusTotal for a handful of vendors.  I've never heard of SecureAge or Trapmine (hmm, maybe it *would* flag Minesweeper...), and I'm pretty well educated in the anti-malware space, so if it were me, I'd just ignore those false positives and pay attention to the credible AV software results (and the Community Score).

If you have some corporate policy requiring things to have 0 detections on VirusTotal or something, your only recourse is to contact the SecureAge and Trapmine vendors and convince them somehow to fix their false positives.

Dan Harkless

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