On 29.11.2023 02:53, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2023-11-27 10:41, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 03.10.2023 11:10, Rambiz Khalili via Cygwin wrote:
Since the SINGULAR forum has stopped operating, I do not know how to get
help with regards to my programming problems. Please let me know where I
could direct my questions to. Is there a dedicated google group out there,

general support should be requested upstream


If the Forum is not working I suggest you to use the mailing list or open a bug report.

You need to better develop your research skills, as it looks like Singular has moved to:



See bottom of that home page for Slack group

Doh !

I was using my cache of links for packages that I handle :-(

It is the lower priority package that I handle,
partially to the upstream uncooperative way..


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