I think that is a bug, in my Windows environment path I have this:

Then for some mystery change this to /usr/bin, instead to delete.
You can file an issue?


El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 19:10, J M (<cesarjorgemarti...@gmail.com>)

> Hi,
> I see repeated /usr/bin in my path.
> I don't known if is something of my PC or not.
> To check I do:
> which -a ls
> Show:
> /usr/bin/ls
> /usr/bin/ls
> My path is:
> /usr/local/bin
> /usr/bin
> ...
> /usr/bin
> ...
> Seeing other files, I reach to /etc/profile and use one variable
> ORIGINAL_PATH that contains one /usr/bin.
> But I can no longer see where that variable is set or if it is not from
> Cygwin.
> Regards

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