> I guess he's talking about irssi, which isn't part of Cygwin.
> ircII doesn't include Perl support. But I'm not sure since he
> used 'irc'.
Yes, I am.

Actually I mixed ircII client with bash alias pointing to irssi with some
options that I created months ago - my mistake. Sorry for confusion.

> There are 2 binaries I know of, one I built and doesn't have.
> Perl support - http://www.pervalidus.net/cygwin/irssi/
I will try that one. Irssi is much more attractive and user friendly than
ircII or naim, that's why I prefer it.

> The other, which is older, has and is at
> http://koti.mbnet.fi/blue/irssi-win32/


Tomasz Rojek

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