On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Tomasz Rojek wrote:

> > There are 2 binaries I know of, one I built and doesn't have.
> > Perl support - http://www.pervalidus.net/cygwin/irssi/
> I will try that one. Irssi is much more attractive and user friendly than
> ircII or naim, that's why I prefer it.

I took the time to update my binary. It's now 0.8.8 from CVS,
which contains only 2 additional changes - see

> > The other, which is older, has and is at
> > http://koti.mbnet.fi/blue/irssi-win32/

I also tried that binary. I had to install cygncurses6.dll and
copied cygperl5_8_2.dll to cygperl5_8_0.dll. My binary with
Perl has the same problem. It just crashes at startup and the
terminal gets messes up, but it ran through strace (strace -o
irssi.txt irssi). I also uploaded it to
http://www.pervalidus.net/cygwin/irssi/ just in case someone is
interested. Still, I don't see any Perl support from /load.

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