Whops! chmod 777 to reverse then! :)
I omited to say that I have absolutely no control on the Linux side (and,
just to make it easier, the admin is out for the day).
Looking at the debug log, I guess that this:
        debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
        debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
        debug1: Trying private key: /cygdrive/c/.ssh/identity
        debug1: Trying private key: /cygdrive/c/.ssh/id_rsa
        debug1: Offering public key: /cygdrive/c/.ssh/id_dsa
        debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
        debug1: Next authentication method: password
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
means something like:
        trying with publickey but finaly trying with password.
Question is : why? Is something going wrong with the publickey
authentification or is it the normal process to ask for my password after?


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part
> Envoye : lundi 19 janvier 2004 11:05
> Objet : RE: SSH key authentification problem
> Marc,
> My suggestion missed the fact that these settings should
> be done on the Linux side !
> Jurgen

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