Marc Poppleton wrote:

> > So, none of us are mindreaders here, and we have zero information about
> > the configuration details of your sshd, which isn't even running
> > Cygwin... So, don't don't be surprised if you are underwhelmed with
> > help.
> Well, concerning running Cygwin, I get the same results when I type the same
> commands via the Cygwin Bash shell.

Was referring to 'sshd' here, i.e. the server side.  You'd want to check
the sshd_config file on the server to make sure that it contains
"PubkeyAuthentication yes".  You'll also want to see which version of
the protocol it's configured for (e.g. "Protocol 2") as this will
determine what kind of public keys you will use.  See "man sshd_config"
for more.

Then, also on the server, check that there's a file
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys and that it contains a line corresponding to
your public key, which will be in $HOME/.ssh/*.pub on your client
machine.  If you're using v1 of the protocol it will be,
otherwise it will be id_[rd]  You shouldn't require the admin for
this, as this is a normal text file in your home directory.  Read "man
ssh" for all the details of how this works.


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