> "Drash, Jim [NCSUS]" wrote:
> Actually ssh can work such miracles. Not by itself, of course.  It is
> trivially easy to run VNC (Pick your favorite variant) , or RDP, or
> ICA over an encrypted ssh connection.

I suppose that was my point.  THe poster specifically didn't want to use
VNC, and using Remote Desktop or similar is really out of the scope of
Cygwin.  All cygwin and ssh know or care about is transporting a stream
of bytes over the network.  Alternatively put, those methods all work
equally well independently of ssh (ignoring the security issues) so it's
really not fair to say that ssh is contributing at all to those
solutions... The poster was asking "Make ssh do FOO" but the answer is
"ssh can't do FOO, but BAR can do FOO (optionially with ssh as the


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