
I had a RedHat box, the sole purpose was to be the intermediate between a secure host and public for moving data files in/out. Obviously this was done solely upon ssh (scp/sftp). For numerous reasons we decided to reconfigure as Windows 2003 Server with CygWin and openssh.

I took a XP workstation, loaded CygWin with the required openssh and openssl components, populated the passwd and group files from our AD using the -d options on mkpasswd and mkgroup respectively and then installed sshd as a service.

It was the coolest thing, I would ssh in as a user listed in the passwd file, but never having logged into the box before, and it automatically created a home directory and populated it with the skeleton files. First login produced some warnings, but after that the directory was set up properly and everything worked.

So I duplicate on the Windows 2003 box. Hmm, if I don't create the home directories manually users are instantly rejected. Some users out there claimed I must run a script (fixperms.sh) for it all to work properly and securely; I did and now am worse off than before. I get errors reprting no rights to the shell (though the user does have rx to the various shells).

So I thought I would start over with CygWin on the 2003 box, but when I deleted and reinstalled all the weird permissions still existed.

Anybody got a really good HOW-TO on this?
I need multiple users to have their own secure home directories, a couple of additional logins that are in a "admin" group and can control those directories. If I need to jail them, how do you do that under cygwin and is it feasible?

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