Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 05:23:41PM -0500, John Mellor wrote:

I'm looking for the source for the cygwin1.dll b.20.1.19 version, put
out in 1999.  The CVS tree on the RedHat site only goes back 4 years,
and I guess they just threw everything before that in the bit bucket.

Anybody got a copy, or know where I can get it?

How about humoring us and telling us why you think you need this.

Isn't it obvious, Chris? Everybody knows that cygwin B20.1 was practically perfect in every way. Later releases were only made to salve the developers' egos, since they had obviously outlasted their usefulness once the perfect cygwin was released, in B20.1.

Some people are too smart to be taken in by the bogus claptrap of the higher version numbers like 1.3.18 or 1.5.12. B20.1 is da bomb, baby!


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