On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 08:00:00PM -0500, John Mellor wrote:
>On Sat, 2005-22-01 at 18:44 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 05:23:41PM -0500, John Mellor wrote:
>> >I'm looking for the source for the cygwin1.dll b.20.1.19 version, put
>> >out in 1999.  The CVS tree on the RedHat site only goes back 4 years,
>> >and I guess they just threw everything before that in the bit bucket.
>> >Anybody got a copy, or know where I can get it?
>> How about humoring us and telling us why you think you need this.
>Some time ago, I built a package that links in this DLL that somebody
>found useful, and now actually wants to pay me for.  Having to put food
>on the table, I'd like to oblige them.  Rather than upgrading to the
>latest-and-greatest, and all the work involved in changing APIs, etc., I
>just want to ship the one that I've got, seeing as it works perfectly

Thanks for satisfying my curiousity.

We go to quite some effort to make sure that nothing changed from B20
until now, so you should just be able to send your customer the latest
cygwin DLL + sources without resorting to finding an almost six year
old version of cygwin1.dll.  There is no need to change APIs.

>Any idea where I can get it now?

Nope.  I wrote all of the warnings on the home page at
http://cygwin.com/ :

"The last Bxx release was in December 1998.  The Bxx releases are no
longer available.  In fact, older versions of the DLL or utilities are
not usually available on this web site.  Any cygwin program built from
December 1998 onward should work correctly with newer DLLs."


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