The latest snapshot has my latest try at fixing the dreaded
hyperthreading problem.  My previous fix was flawed in that once Corinna
corrected a typo in my change, the problem showed up again.

So, I've reworked the synchronization logic again and even ran cygwin
through that "test suite" thing that is all the rage with cygwin
developers these days.  In fact, I ran the test suite while running the
hyperthreading tests.

To test this, I ran two invocations of the standard shell script test
along with the Brian Ford variation of the same for 24 hours.  For some
reason, Brian's shell script seemed to trip the error more quickly than
the other one but the combination of running his script + the other
script seemed to produce the problem even more quickly.

(I'd modified both of the scripts so that they beeped if they exited,
causing me to jump out of my chair a couple of times as I struggled to
get this right.)

I'm not claiming that it is right now.  I haven't tried a "make -j" test
yet.  I just thought it was time to release another try on the world

To help preserve my tenuous grasp on sanity, please reply to *this
thread* when reporting problems.  Please don't start a new thread.  Just
reply here so that mailing list threading is preserved and I can easily
check for all success or error reports.  As before, any kind of report
is welcome but it is unlikely that I'm going to spend a lot of time
debugging problems that I can't reproduce.


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