> > Your situation isn't normal because you didn't stop all cygwin
> > services.  While the idea has been tossed around on this list
> > that it would be nice if setup.exe could stop services for you,
> > to date, it does not.  Therefore, IT IS UP TO YOU to stop services
> > beforehand.
> Thanks. I remember one of the Cygwin major contributors
> indicating that (s)he didn't find the need to stop the
> Cygwin services first, but perhaps I misunderstood.

I believe you are referring to the recent question about whether
cygwin services must be stopped during a WINDOWS upgrade,
which is a different matter entirely from cygwin upgrades.  The
answer there was that it is usually safe to leave cygwin running
during a windows upgrade, although the recent directx 9 patch
on Win2k proved to be a counterexample.

But when it comes to running cygwin while upgrading cygwin,
the consensus on this list is that it is safest and simplest to
just always stop all cygwin processes before starting setup.exe.

Eric Blake

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