Eric Blake wrote:
I have found a strange behaviour in the last (cygwin-1.5.19-4) cygwin1.dll.

where $(REQUIRES) are ie: module1 module2 module3
$(_module*_DIR) is a folder on a nework drive, inside this folder I have a optional subfolder named "inc".

Try a snapshot.  There are some known issues with inode calculations
on network drives that have been addressed in snapshots, and which
might improve your situation.

This problem appears with the oldest snapshot available at

What about the newest one?

I have tried almost all snapshots available on this page. I went until the oldest in order to track on which snapshot it broke.

The newest one doesn't work for me. When I launch a dos batch file in the bash, it tries to execute it line by line and not calling the cmd.exe.

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