On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 04:41:46PM +0100, Gland Vador wrote:
>Eric Blake wrote:
>>>I have found a strange behaviour in the last (cygwin-1.5.19-4) 
>>>where $(REQUIRES) are ie: module1 module2 module3
>>>       $(_module*_DIR) is a folder on a nework drive, inside this folder 
>>>I have a optional subfolder named "inc".
>>Try a snapshot.  There are some known issues with inode calculations
>>on network drives that have been addressed in snapshots, and which
>>might improve your situation.
>>>This problem appears with the oldest snapshot available at 
>>What about the newest one?
>I have tried almost all snapshots available on this page. I went until 
>the oldest in order to track on which snapshot it broke.
>The newest one doesn't work for me. When I launch a dos batch file in 
>the bash, it tries to execute it line by line and not calling the cmd.exe.

You might find reading http://cygwin.com/problems.html instructive.  The
above email has a few issues which make it difficult to figure out what
you're trying to report.

I've created a Makefile that looks like this:

  REQUIRES:=module1 module2 module3
          @echo $(foreach z,$(strip $(REQUIRES)),            \
                  $(if $(_$(z)_DIR), $(wildcard $(_$(z)_DIR)/inc),))

And created directories /share/tmp/module{1,2,3} and /share/tmp/module1/inc.
When I run this makefile, /share/tmp/module1/inc is output with both 1.5.19
DLLs and with a snapshot DLL.  (/share/tmp is, of course, a remote drive)

So, I've gone the extra mile and tried to come up with a "simple test case"
(patent pending) but apparently I didn't duplicate your scenario adequately
and, so, we need more details about your environment.


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