On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 06:41:23PM +0000, Michael Lemke wrote:
>Igor Peshansky <pechtcha <at> cs.nyu.edu> writes:
>>On Wed, 10 May 2006, Nicholas Thayer wrote:
>>>After upgrading to the latest cygwin packages (coreutils, findutils,
>>>cygwin), the cvs pserver fails for updates and checkouts.  [snip] $ cvs
>>>co test cannot mkdir /tmp/cvs-serv3172/.  No such file or directory
>>This was a bug in Cygwin 1.5.19, which returned the wrong error code
>>for creating this directory, and CVS didn't know to ignore it.  Try a
>I've been wondering when we'll see the fix for that in a non-snapshot
>release.  I've been waiting for it since 1.5.19 came out (many months
>ago).  Sure, I could use a snapshot but I'd rather use something not in
>a state of flux.  How hard would it be to make a 1.5.19-5 with that

Not going to happen.  Help the community.  Use a snapshot.

Either that or suffer silently.  Those are your options.


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