Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 11:46:21AM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
Or should I just build the kernel unstripped using cygwin-1.5.24-2-src, and debug against that?

Corinna has been responsible for the last few cygwin 1.5.2x releases and
she has a different way of generating a release than mine.  It's
possible that the .dbg file isn't working right or created correctly.

This seems to be the case. I finished a build of cygwin-1.5.24-2 (with CFLAGS="-g -O0") but

(1) the build process seems automatically to strip the dll, and produce a detached .dbg file.

(2) I got the similar behavior using my .dll/.dbg combo as I got with the "official" pair from 1.5.24-2: popups -- but then insight died on me. FWIW, my .dbg file is much smaller than the official one: 350k vs. 9.5M.

Is it even possible anymore to create an "old-style" debugging cygwin1.dll, with integrated rather than detached debug symbols?

I'm generating a snapshot now.  If you try that and it doesn't work I
can look into fixing it.  I can't fix the 1.5.24 dbg problem, however,
and Corinna isn't available to look into it right now.  So, if the
snapshot works for you, you might want to just stick with that.  It's
closer to mainline CVS anyway.

OK, I'll wait for that. It does not appear that the argz_* stuff in newlib has had any significant changes in the last year or so, so if I find the bug in 1.7.0pre it'll apply to 1.5.24-3 as well.


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