On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 04:19:35PM -0400, Keith Mitchell wrote:
>Problem: Virgin Installs of CygWin on Windows XP work fine but a total 
>purge (deletion of all CygWin files and directories) and a fresh 
>reinstall with different set of usernames do not work properly, i.e., 
>usernames that have been CHANGED using the XP user manager to new 
>usernames. This problem occurred as a result of my changing all my 
>usernames with spaces to usernames without spaces to make them Linux 
>I wanted to thank all for the responses. After many reinstallations of 
>CygWin, I finally identified the problem and got things working. This is 
>just a bug report documenting my discoveries and what I believe is going on.
>1. A virgin install of CygWin makes a list of all user names on the 
>system. This list is reflected in /etc/passwd after any reinstall. I am 
>guessing this list is stored in the Windows XP registry as this list 
>does not exist on the drive where CygWin is installed, in my case, the D 
>drive. This list is NEVER updated on subsequent CygWin installs. This is 
>the REAL problem: no updates on subsequent installs.

Just in case it isn't clear: *Cygwin* does not store a list of usernames
in the registry.


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