On 05 July 2007 15:11, Bob McConnell wrote:

> Good morning,
> I have a

  complex system with multiple interactions that a rough overview of is
utterly inadequate to attempt to diagnose complicated interlocking or race

> Is this a known issue? 

  What, your program having a bug?  Nope, hadn't heard that before.

> Is there any way to prevent the two instances
> from interfering with each other?

  Based on the comprehensive information you've given us so far, I can
categorically state that *if* they actually /are/ interfering with each other,
there is /probably/ a way to stop it.

  But unless you can http://cygwin.com/acronyms#PPAST, you're just holding up
a black box and saying "There's magic stuff in here and it's broke, does
anyone know why", to which the only answer is of course "Depends what the
magic stuff in the box is and does, about which we know nothing, because it's
/your/ magic box and we've never seen it before".

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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