On 20 November 2007 13:58, Alain Frisch wrote:

> Dear Cygwin and MinGW mailing lists,
> I'd like to announce the availability of FlexDLL, a new tool that should
> greatly help porting some Unix applications under Windows. FlexDLL
> implements the classical POSIX dlopen API. In short, it lets you create
> DLLs with unresolved symbols. 

> Feedback and comments are very welcome!

  This looks very interesting indeed.  The technique of turning unresolved
imports into data items that can be fixed up at runtime thus letting the
windows runtime loaded accept the dll is a clever trick, and it occurs to me
that it might be worth adopting the same technique directly in the binutils
toolchain itself.

  Thanks for your valuable contribution!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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