On Feb  5 12:08, Jonathan Lanier wrote:
>   And that
> gives me a totally crazy idea - wouldn't it be nice if there were a
> standardized, open set of extensions to allow Windows applications to
> access native symlinks, attributes, and permissions over remote network
> shares?  If there were such a thing, Cygwin could totally use that to
> have seamless Unix-style integration with networks, as could other
> applications.  If such a thing doesn't exist, it should.  If the CIFS
> protocol already supports it, it should be exposed in the Windows OS.
> Who do I need to vote for to make this happen?  :)

It would sure be nice, but it's quite hard to get to.

I'll ask on the samba developer list if there's interest to expose
symlinks to Windows apps which know how to handle them.

As for exposing the CIFS UNIX extensions to Windows, I guess you would
have to ask Microsoft.  I wouldn't know how to do that from the user
space, nor would there be any Win32 or NT call to receive/transmit the
UNIX specific data.


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