"Dave Korn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> On 07 February 2008 00:22, Matt Seitz wrote:
>> "Dave Korn"  wrote in message
>  I did?!  It was email when *I* last saw it!

Sorry for any confusion.  I'm using the GMane mail to nntp gateway to read and 

>  I'm not up-to-date on
> the state of cygwin vs. nfs, but that would probably be another solution for
> me.

I was just thinking about that.  Yes, you could likely use Services for Unix to 
mount the drive, and use the SFU "chmod" tools to change the permissions.  But 
don't know if SFU supports using standard Win32 calls to change permissions via 
NFS, or if SFU has it's own API for handling NFS permission changes.  If SFU 
uses a separate API, then the cygwin "chmod" is unlikely to work. 

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