>   Missing DLL?  What does "cygcheck `which gm.exe`" show?

Ah hah, thanks.

$ cygcheck `which gm.exe` | grep Error
Error: could not find cygdpstk-1.dll

http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?grep=cygdpstk-1.dll seems to show
that that DLL was last present in xorg-x11-bin-dlls-, while I have
version installed.

The picture becomes clearer.  The maintainer for this package is listed as
Harold Hunt, who's moved on.  Upstream is now at version 1.1.11-- GraphicsMagick
hasn't been updated for Cygwin in several years.

So it seems that GraphicsMagick is looking for a Cygwin maintainer.  I'd
consider taking it on, but since we do have ImageMagick I guess the priority is


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