Igor Peshansky wrote:
On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Andrew Schulman wrote:

convert -list Format

from ImageMagick coredumps for me. Can anybody else check ?
Sure enough... same result here.

IM seems to be fairly up to date.  README lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the
maintainer. Is s/he listening?

I'm sure he is -- he replied to a message on cygwin-apps the other day.
Yes, I am. It cores for me too, but after it lists the available
conversions. Hmmm, I'll see what I can do.

By the way

gm convert -list Format

from GraphicsMagick works fine.
I guess you still have your old cygdpstk-1.dll still lying around...

$ gm convert -list Format || echo $?

Interesting.  I also seem to have cygdpstk-1.dll on my system, but
cygcheck -f /usr/X11R6/bin/cygdpstk-1.dll returns nothing.

I know a new release of the X packages has been built since we've lost the
X maintainer, and a few patches have been omitted from it (in particular,
one that fixed building font directories on text mounts).  It's probably a
matter of getting a new X maintainer and having him or her rebuild the
package yet again to also include cygdpstk-1.dll.

I doubt there's anything the GraphicsMagick maintainer can do, considering
the dependency.

= http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Debug_Build_Problems  =
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