On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 10:27:27AM +0800, Pan ruochen wrote:
>> you installed cygwin in text mode.
>> So the output is DOS style, to have UNIX output
>> you need to install in binmode
>I did get one cygwin distribution which can excute scripts both in DOS
>mode and in UNIX mode and output in UNIX mode.  The distribution is
>released in one install-shield package instead of numbers of gzip
>packages with a setup program in the traditional way.

Whoa! Stop right there.  If you got Cygwin from someone else then you
should go to the source for support.  We don't support other people's
packages here.  We support the version of Cygwin that you get from the
Cygwin web site.  Theoretically this should not be too surprising.

Please don't bother this list with questions about someone else's
distribution.  Really.  I mean it.
Christopher Faylor              spammer? -> aaas...@sourceware.org
A Cygwin Project Leader

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